Every now and again a Bible verse comes to life for me in a whole new way. It’s almost as if I have never read it before. Have you ever had that experience?

Psalm 50:3 is one such verse that completely captured my imagination. The English Standard Version reads:
Our God comes; He does not keep silent; before Him is a devouring fire, around Him a mighty tempest.
A devouring fire?! A mighty tempest?! I couldn’t stop imagining what it must be like to be near the One who is surrounded by a mighty tempest. No wonder life can feel stormy at times despite our drawing close to Him.
And I couldn’t help but think, “Yes God! Come! Do not keep silent! The enemy is wreaking havoc on the lives of our young-adults, on our marriages, and in our communities.”
The past year has been hard. Friends who have shared their hearts with me have especially grieved the changes in their children. Previously high achieving students who seem to have lost their drive and motivation. These young-adult children whose futures seemed so bright just 18 months ago now have a hard time envisioning a future for themselves.
That alone is enough to worry a mother.
And strain a marriage.
However, marital tension is common throughout this season. The unnesting years have a way of challenging even the most solid of marriages. But the stress of this past year has forced many of my friends to take a good hard look at the state of their relationship with their spouse. And as is the case with any decades-long relationship, there are areas in need of a little tender loving care. It’s a reality most soon-to-be empty nesters face sooner or later. It’s just that circumstances have forced the “sooner” in that equation.
Add to that the discord and disunity we see in our communities and in the world and it’s no wonder so many are struggling. It can be hard sometimes to heed Paul’s instruction to rejoice always. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
So here is what I remind myself, what I want you to know – what I pray we will cling to:
The power of our God is greater!
His power is greater than any destructive power we see at work in the lives of our children.
His power is great than any disparaging power we see at work in our marriages.
His power is greater than any divisive power we see at work in our communities.
And for those of us who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior, that great power, the power of the His Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth – it dwells within us. By that Power let us continue to lift up our children, our marriages, and our communities in prayer. For we know that prayer offered in faith brings healing. Even when we are weak and do not know what to pray, the Spirit helps us and intercedes for us. (James 5:15, Romans 8:26)
I am not saying that we shouldn’t utilize all that is at our disposal in the physical world to help and support our children, to heal our marriages, to bring peace and Truth to our communities. Even David used a stone to bring down a giant.
What I want us to do is remember!
Remember all the LORD has done in our lives, in our children’s lives, in our marriages, and our communities. For we have seen His mighty hand at work, and we know our God comes, He does not keep silent! And He will overthrow the enemy by the power of His breath. He will destroy him by the splendor of His coming. He will destroy the enemy by His splendor. That is a power far greater than anything we have ever seen! (Psalm 50:6 and 2 Thessalonians 2:8)
Hold tight to that truth, friend. Hold tight and remember His goodness, His faithfulness as you wait for the LORD. Be strong and take heart as you wait for the LORD. (Psalm 27:14)
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1 ESV
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