We’re nearly two weeks into Advent – a slow season of waiting, of anticipating the birth (and return) of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

These past many months have provided ample opportunity to practice the art of patient waiting and hopeful anticipation. Perhaps God has used the circumstances of 2020, both global and personal, to encourage our hearts to yearn for Him ever more deeply.
When I was the mom of young children that was my goal throughout the year, and especially during the Advent season – to look for ways to encourage their little hearts to see God in the details of their lives, that they might experience His tender, personal care and know that He is near, that His love is unfailing.
Now, as the mom of three young-adult daughters, it is sometimes difficult to tell whether those lessons have endured.
And so, as Advent neared, I found myself drawn to ways I could invite them to enter into this season of waiting and worshipping. I wanted to provide them with opportunities to choose Him, rather than forcing (or guilting) them into participating in something they’d rather skip.
I was looking for subtle ways to draw them in. I eventually decided on the three items below. To my great surprise our 16 year old daughter was instantly drawn to the coloring sheets!
(Note: There are no affiliate links in this post.)
Names of Jesus Advent Calendar: When I came across this Names of Jesus Advent Calendar, I immediately purchased it. I loved the idea of hanging these cards where my young-adult daughters would see them, perhaps subtlety taking in the Names of Jesus.
I realize it might be too late to order a set for use this year, but I found two instant, downloadable versions you can pay for here and here.
Christmas Coloring Sheets (free): The same woman who designed the Names of Jesus Advent Calendar also offers two sets of Christmas Coloring Sheets for free download here and here. I had the most joyful experience with these coloring sheets! I had placed them, along with some colored pencils, in a basket on my kitchen table one evening while our youngest daughter was at work.
When she returned home she immediately spied the coloring pages and exclaimed, “Coloring sheets!” She then promptly grabbed one and sat down to color. I grabbed a sheet of my own and together we colored and chatted. It was a joy, a sweet gift. I pray you have a similar experience in your home.
The Christmas We Didn’t Expect: I often purchase Advent books, though I don’t often finish them. This one by David Mathis is different. Its deep spiritual truths have nourished my soul. However, it hasn’t yet grabbed the attention of our young-adult children. But the readings are short and power-packed, and I am hoping we might read one together on Christmas Eve.
Friend, may you and your family find simple, meaningful ways to connect more deeply to Jesus and to one another throughout this Advent season.
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
Luke 1:46-47
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